Wednesday, May 11, 2011

WordPress SEO Done the Correct Way

Angela's and Paul's Backlink Service #8 by philippinesvirtualassistants

Automatic Backlinks Creator

Anyone who uses WordPress in lieu of static HTML sites to manage their online content has a great advantage because WordPress is highly appreciated by Google and other search engines. This article will offer a few ideas on how you can gain even more advantages in front of the search engines with WordPress.

Get Your Keyword in the Title: A webpage's title is critical to the search engines, because it is what appears in the results of a search conducted by a user. Including your principal keyword in the title, therefore, is critical, but you still shouldn't be too heavy handed. You have to be careful of making the mistake of taking it to excess and ending up with a keyword stuffed title, which is not advisable. Your title needs to be relevant and be the result of a lot of creativity and originality, which is what it's all about. Your visitors should be able to tell, at a glance, what your site is about just from the title. If you feel that the keyword isn't going in the title, then you don't have to sacrifice it for the sake of the keyword. Don't sacrifice quality of content simply to create a title that features the keyword. Outbound Links to Interesting Content: You also need to provide your audience with links to great quality content on other sites, and not just on your own blog. You want to make your readers' experience an unforgettable one so don't put links just anywhere but in places where additional resources make sense. You show that you aren't worried about people leaving your site and not coming back when you give them the means to access external resources. Search engines also see linking to authority sites as a positive sign and all you have to do is get the right balance between great content on your site and outbound links which will take your blog to a whole new level. Remember that your audience will appreciate any extra help when it comes to providing quality information.

Take advantage of Slugs on your WordPress posts to help determine the address of your article. Using the same keywords in the META data, content, and title of your page will let the search engines see that your page is consistently focused on that specific keyword of phrase. The importance of your keywords in the right places cannot be ignored; even though WordPress makes SEO so easy, you won't see great results unless you take care of your keywords.

This might seem like simple advice but they will have a significant impact on the ranking of your blog, as long as you apply the knowledge. Keep in mind that in order to make the most out of WordPress, you have to keep on tweaking your site and making changes to maintain your ranking.
Source: Automatic Backlinks Generator

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