Monday, May 2, 2011

Simple Steps to Improve Page Rank for Your Site

Search box mistake by marciokl

Automatic SEO Service

Enhancing the page rank of your website is the most important step that you can take towards the traffic generation aspect, because traffic from Google is known to be highly relevant and of good quality. In one sense page rank isn't anything more important than a number that is assigned to your page but it is that number that tells Google how important and relevant your page actually is. Yes, there are lots of factors that can influence your site's page rank but knowing how to raise things can certainly help you out. In this article we are going to be talking about how all webmasters can actually increase the page rank of their websites.

In order to gain a competitive advantage over the others and actually increase your site's page rank, you have to gain backlinks from sites that have already proven to be winners, which can be seen from their high page ranks. It's not a good idea to contact website owners from random sites and just ask for backlink handouts; what you need to do is take the time to get to know them first.

Whatever you do, do not use copied content on your website. All content should offer value to the reader and should be original. Strictly using high quality original content will be far more beneficial to your site in the long run. One rule which should be followed by all successful website owners, is to never use copied content. Even if the content is written by you and posted elsewhere on the internet, do not use this content on your website. Sites have been hammered before by Google for having copied content, especially when the content was copied within the site itself.

The goal of Google is to provide people who use Google with original, high value, and relevant content.

Got existing friends and colleagues who have websites?

Email all your friends and the people you know about your new website and tell them that you're looking out for sites that can link to you; see to it that the sites that are linking to you are ethical, legal and above all, have a high page rank. The more the merrier, remember, so be sure to ask them to refer you to the people they know and respect too. What you want is exposure to a wide audience but without the need to go knocking on the virtual doors of people you don't know. Your site's page rank can get a huge boost by this one step alone.

It's a better idea to focus on tips and tools that will get you lasting results for your page rank efforts rather than those that will have you wasting valuable time and energy on results that are temporary at best. Keep in mind that the results you get from your long-term efforts are often the longest lasting results. The correlations between page rank and search engine traffic will be enough to convince you that this is not wasted effort.

Article source: Maragaret Hasley ( fbf88c95 ) is a prolific guest blogger and they also specializes in seo services more details of which can be discovered on their web site or blog...

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