Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to Leverage Social Bookmarking Sites for Traffic

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Social media is growing very large and marching straight on into the future. What's more?

It is predicted that the next decade will be powered by the social media network. Social bookmarking sites will be in the very middle of this new area. They have a chance for website owners and online marketers to contact their prospects and get traffic in a different manner. This article will explain what you should do to get the most from these social bookmarking sites when it comes to traffic.

Get More Friends: They are not called social bookmarking sites because their members are anti-social. They are created by members, for the members' use and of the members. If you truly want to find success on social sites such as StumbleUpon, Reddit and Digg, then you have to make more friends than enemies. Co-operating with the people in the community of the bookmarking site will give you the chance to make the most of your work efforts and supply the extra lift that is necessary. It does not make sense to be alone when you can bond with other members and get votes for your articles. Your content may make it to the front page because of its quality. But, the strong friendships that you have made can help get you there. For example, let's pretend that your submission got 20 diggs in sixty minutes. Don't you think that others in the community will want to be involved with what is going on? Obviously, this will be the case. Get Your Server Ready: Remember that if your content get to the front page of a bookmarking website, you might get so much traffic that it might crash your server. So, all in all, this is a good result that can turn sour if you do not get ready for it. If you are positive that the link that you bookmarked is going to be that popular, then get properly prepared. Get your server ready for the traffic. It would not look good for your brand if your users knew that your website could not deal with large amounts of traffic. This is not the look of a professional. If you want, you can should also have a word with the people at your hosting company. Make sure that you are very prepared.

Have Other Articles on the Topic: The amount of traffic that you get from social bookmarking sites can be huge. But then again, it might go away in two to three days. So, do not expect to see this type of traffic forever. This is why you must be prepared to make it advantageous for you. This drop in traffic is generally inevitable. So have enough content so that your readers will want to stay on your website. Give them more content to feed on. Do not make it easy for them to exit your website. Your website should really give them something instead of your one article, when they arrive on your site. Plenty of social bookmark members only go from site to site and never stay on any one site for a long time. So change them from surfers to customers. You should be certain that your content has other articles that are linked to them with similar information.

All social bookmarking sites have the capability to refer a particular type of traffic to your website and provide you with extra exposure. But, how you use these sites to your benefit will rely on how much you are focused and the work that you do.
( fbf88c9522 ) Article source: Napoleon Saicedo is a prolific guest blogger and they also specializes in Automated SEO more details of which can be discovered on their web site or blog...

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